Beginner's Candle Making Class
Welcome to the beginner's candle making class! This class is pre recorded and will be sent via email at checkout. This class is for someone who has never made a candle or has questions about pouring container candles. Focal points includes: wax heating, cooling and pouring temperatures, fragrance oil percentages, melting points, wick sizes and testing candles. It is also perfectly fine to take this class without any materials if you wish to watch, take notes and purchase items later however, the items needed are listed below.
- Double boil method using heating plate or stove (pot to hold boiling water and melting pot)
- Melting pot
- Scale (kitchen, food or shipping scale)
- 1 lb. your choice of wax (recommend soy wax GW 464 to start)
- 1 oz your choice of fragrance oil
- Thermometer
- Candle dye or dye chips (if color desired)
- Stirring utensil (stainless steel, silicone or wooden)
- Glass or vessel of your choice
- Wicks (wick size depend on size of jar and wax being used)
- Wick stickers
- Wick holder
- Heat Gun
- Alcohol and paper towels
- Gloves
Wick size guides on what wick size to start testing for your particular jar size can be found on many candle supplier's sites including Nature's Garden Candles, The Flaming Candle and Candle Science.
Materials needed and listed can be found at Nature's Garden Candles, The Flaming Candle, Candle Science, Amazon, Hobby Lobby, Michael's and many other candle suppliers website. My suggestion would be to find candle suppliers nearest to your area to save on shipping cost.
Candle making kits are also a good place to start. However, some candle making kits may not include a melting pot or thermometer and most will not include a hot plate or scale.
For safety reasons we will be working with a hot plate and/or boiling water and require adult supervision for underaged children.
It is also perfectly fine to take this class without any materials if you wish to watch, take notes and purchase items later.